Club News
Judo Clinic with Andre Campos- 3/26/16

68th Annual San Jose Tournament Results
- Israel Rivera (black belt div, 90 kg) - 3rd place
- Jae Choi (novice div, 90 kg) - 1st place
Dojo renovation (Pismo Vets Hall)- 8/02/14-10/01/14
Our Dojo at the Pismo Vets Hall will be undergoing a renovation for the months of August & September 2014. During this time we will meet at Paragon Jiu Jitsu in San Luis Obispo. They are located on 235 Tank Farm Rd. Contact us for more info.
Judo Clinic with Sensei Blinky- 6/01/14
San Fernando Judo Tournament Results- 2/24/13
Ian Guge (junior) -3rd place
San Jose "Sensei Memorial" Tournament Results - 2/10/13
Micah Georgeadis (junior)-3rd place
USJA/USJF 2012 Winter Nationals Results
Chris Balsillie (int. middlewt)-1st place
Mojica Tournament Results - 10/2012

Central Coast Judo Team Placement:
Ken Guge (brown/black heavywt)-1st place
Chris Balsillie (int. middlewt)-2nd place
Rhiannon Waters (junior)-2nd place
Skyler Guge (junior)-3rd place
Ian Guge (junior)-3rd place
Bella Gerencser (junior)-3rd place
Micah Georgeadis (junior)-2nd place
Connor Balsillie (junior)-2nd place
Noah Georgeadis (junior) -4th place
Ken Guge (brown/black heavywt)-1st place
Chris Balsillie (int. middlewt)-2nd place
Rhiannon Waters (junior)-2nd place
Skyler Guge (junior)-3rd place
Ian Guge (junior)-3rd place
Bella Gerencser (junior)-3rd place
Micah Georgeadis (junior)-2nd place
Connor Balsillie (junior)-2nd place
Noah Georgeadis (junior) -4th place
Central Coast Judo Club T-shirts

Currently unavailable